The project was meant to introduce the mentees to the world of Competitive Programming and teach various algorithms and techniques from the ground up. There were also weekly contests meant to track the progress of the mentees.
The topics covered in the project were:
- STL Containers
- Sorting Custom data type
- Sieving Technique
- Bitwise Operator, bitset, and bitmasking
- Divide and Conquer
- Modular Arithmetic and Number Theory
- Greedy Algorithms
- Binary Search
- Dynamic Programming
- Graph and Trees
- Graph Transversal Technique
- BFS and DFS
- Disjoint Set Union(DSU) data structure
- Binary Lifting
- Minimum Spanning Tree(MST)
- Kruskal’s Algorithm
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm
- Bitmask DP
- Square Root Decomposition
- Segment Tree
- Floyd Warshall Algorithm
The 5 contests were held on - May 23, May 31, June 5, June 11, and June 30.